The Northern Arizona Cutting Horse Association seeks out to embrace the values of the sport of cutting through ethical, fair, fun and competitive horsemanship. The goal of the NACHA is to champion for growth, education, and sustainability of the sport of cutting throughout Arizona.
Cuttings held at Prescott Livestock Auction, Perkinsville Road, Chino Valley, AZ
Cuttings held at Prescott Livestock Auction, Perkinsville Road, Chino Valley, AZ
Latest Cutting News... January 23, 2024 The NACHA Board of Directors met this month and we have confirmed show dates for the 2025 Season. They are now posted on the "Show Details" menu. January 22, 2024 The NACHA Board of Directors Board meeting was held tonight. We are please to announce that the Board has appointed Jeff Wenig and Stephanie Fry to fill the vacancies left after Rosemary Pike and Matte Foster resigned at the end of 2024. Welcome aboard! December 27, 2024 Notice to NACHA members: The IRS began notifying organizations, including NACHA, that an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) contractor has been charged with the unauthorized inspection or disclosure of information from tax or informational returns, between 2018 and 2020. The IRS’s analysis suggests that club and /or member information, potentially disclosed, was narrow in scope and was limited to information returns (e.g. Forms 1099, etc.) issued by business organization (such as NACHA). This could be issuer/recipient Taxpayer Identification Number, Social Security Number (SSN) and Employer Identification Number (EIN), name, address, and other information from the information returns. As is always prudent in these times, you should monitor your accounts and credit reports for any potential impact. The full IRS notice will be posted shortly on the club’s website, under the “Notices”. December 11, 2024 Are you ready? The AzSCS Championship Show starts this weekend!
Reminder to exhibitors:
December 5, 2024 The AzSCS Championship Show starts on Saturday, December 14th. The final list of entries is posted under the championship show menu item. The stall chart is also posted there. Stalls should be ready for move in after 2:00pm on Friday, December 13th. The roping arena will be open if you want to work your horse or you can join us in the cutting arena to get the panels and banners set for Saturday's start to the show. Also... please take time to view all our wonderfully generous sponsors for the show... also in the championship show menu item. Please take time to thank them when you can. We could not do this without them! November 29, 2024 Thank you to all the members who attended this year's banquet. We had a very nice new venue and a special buffet. Hope you enjoyed yourself and the awards presentation. We'd love your feedback! November 10, 2024 Don't miss the deadline for the NACHA Awards Banquet! Reservation deadline is Wednesday, November 13th. Members are $30 and Non-Member are $45. Make your checks payable to NACHA and mail to NACHA at P.O. Box 1373, Chino Valley, AZ 86323. You may put in your reservation to the club’s email address at [email protected] or texting to Susan at 928-379-2339 and then sending your payment to the PO Box address. Reservation forms are on this website under the Awards Banquet Menu Item and also on our FaceBook page. We will be calling in the headcount for the food at the banquet on Thursday, November 14th. The banquet will be Saturday, November 23rd, 2024 starting with the social hour at 11:00am. This year’s banquet will be held at The Prescott Centennial Center, located at 1989 Club House Drive, Prescott, Az (near the Airport). Hope you all can attend! October 27, 2024 Congratulations to all of our members who qualified for the Arizona State Championship Show (AzSCS). The competition will be held on Saturday, December 14th and Sunday, December 15th. Invitations to NACHA qualifiers went out this morning via email. You have until November 30th to get your entry in. Hope you all can attend! October 2, 2024 Fond farewell to summer! Well folks, Saturday marked out final show for the 2024 season. It was a hot one and a huge show... our biggest in a very, very long time! our Board of Directors works hard for our members to provide a fun showing environment, good ground and good cattle along with an outstanding year-end awards program. A big thank you to all our arena help, grounds crews, cattle boss, announcer and show secretary. You all make it look so easy! ***The show points have been audited, and some corrections made, so the results now on CuttingNews are the final points. ***The High Point Horse standings are also now official and are being posted here and on FaceBook. Congratulations to Lil Miss Freckle Haida!!! That mare worked hard this season to get to here - great job from a 19 year old mare! ***Don't forget about our upcoming 2024 Awards Banquet on November 23rd. If you didn't get your reservation form at the last show, it is available here. Reservations are due by November 13th. ***Qualifiers for the Arizona State Championship Show will be notified in the near future. We will offer invitations to the top 5 qualifiers in each class (ranch classes are combined into one pool). You must have shown in least at 2 shows and earned at least 4 points to meet the eligibility. September 23rd, 2024 This coming Saturday is our final show of the season. Here's some important details... ***We will be having our annual Bridleless Cutting Challenge - only $65 to enter on fresh cattle with $15 going to the jackpot and winner take all. Plus, we will calcutta (auction) the "horse/rider" entry "teams" and have the money go to a jackpot... also, winner take all. Bring cash to buy your favorite team. *** This is the last chance to qualify for our year end awards - you must show in 5 of the 7 shows this season to qualify. ***High Point horse standings is now updated through the September 7th show. Look for it in the show info menu. ***We will have reservation forms at the show so you can sign up for the awards banquet on November 23rd at the Prescott Centennial Center. We hope to see you all there! September 5th, 2024 We will not have our food vendor, Martha, or our photographer, Hali, at our September 7th show. Please plan accordingly for your food and beverage needs. Sorry for the inconvenience. We hope to see you all there! August 23, 2024 It's that time of year. Lots for our members to consider... ** Do you love our club and want to help shape its future. Join our Board of Directors for 2024. Contact Sec./Treasurer Susan Baxter if you are interested. ** We have just two shows left; September 7th & 28th. Are you qualified for this year's fabulous year end awards. You need to show in 5 of the 7 classes held this year. Congrats to those who have already qualified. Some of you are very close to qualifying. Check your shows and points at CuttingNews or use the link in the Show Results section of this website. ** Our Annual Bridleless Cutting Challenge is scheduled for September 28th. The rules are listed in the Rules section of this website. Let's outdo last year's turnout. Only $65 to enter on Fresh cattle. We will have a cutting team (horse/rider) calcutta for our spectators as well. BRING CASH TO BID ON YOUR FAVORITE TEAM! ** The Arizona State Championship Show is coming up in December. Are you qualified yet? ** Signup for this year's clinic at the Championship show. The clinic is on Friday and the championship competition is on Saturday & Sunday. ** Speaking of the Championship show. We are looking for additional sponsors. You can sponsor with cash or equine related products for our raffles. Contact Susan Baxter for more details or visit August 11, 2024 Thank you to all who came out on Saturday. That was our biggest show this season. We have two more shows scheduled for this year; September 7th and September 28th. Our annual "Bridleless Challenge" will be held on the September 28th. July 8th, 2024 Just a "heads up" for the show this Saturday, July 13th. We won't have our food vendor, Martha, available. Please plan accordingly for food and beverages for yourselves. We apologize for the inconvenience. June 14th, 2024 The highpoint standings for this year's High Point Horse is now posted on the "High Point Horse Standing" page in the "Show Info" menu. The high point cutting horse award is based on cumulative points from the traditional cutting classes. Points received in the Ranch classes, Beginner, Youth and Boxing classes do not count for this year end award. June 12th, 2024 We had a great show last weekend. Thanks to all who came out to participate and watch! We are still waiting on the 1st random added money show so do miss one. This year we have some random cash coming is as mystery added money to a couple of shows. Make plans to attend all the shows. You won't know until show day if it's going to be an added money show and you won't want to miss out! We will have $100 added money in the traditional cutting classes (Open, Non-Pro, $25K Nov. Horse, $15K Amateur, $35K Non-Pro, $5K Nov. Horse, $5K Nov. Non-Pro and the $2K Limit Rider). We will also have $65 added money in the Beginner, Snaffle/Hackamore Ranch & Bridle Ranch... that's on top of the jackpot! May 15th, 2024 Don't miss a show! This year we have some random cash coming is as mystery added money to a couple of shows. Make plans to attend all the shows. You won't know until show day if it's going to be an added money show and you won't want to miss out! We will have $100 added money in the traditional cutting classes (Open, Non-Pro, $25K Nov. Horse, $15K Amateur, $35K Non-Pro, $5K Nov. Horse, $5K Nov. Non-Pro and the $2K Limit Rider). We will also have $65 added money in the Beginner, Snaffle/Hackamore Ranch & Bridle Ranch... that's on top of the jackpot! See you there! 2024 Show Dates April 6th May 25th June 8th July 13th August 10th September 7th September 28th October 26th (Rain Date if needed) Order of Classes
Non Pro $25K Novice Horse $15K Amateur Rider $5K Novice Horse $5K Nov/NP Beginner Class $35K Non Pro Youth $2K Limit Rider Ranch - Snaffle Bit/Hackamore Ranch - Bridle Ranch - Youth Boxing |
Good cows, good ground and good people in a fun & friendly atmosphere!
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Thank you to our sponsors who also support our club and cutting! Please visit these fine businesses and tell them thank you for all their support!
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We are an association that promotes the training and exhibiting of cutting horses in an educational and fun way. We following NCHA Rules. NACHA INC is a 501(c)(7) tax exempt corporation.